Monthly Archives: March 2022

space to reconnect

Sometimes we just need to disconnect and switch off in order to re-calibrate ourselves. Then we can fully dive back into the fray, refreshed and reoriented.

Do you disconnect from some things, people and newsfeeds every now and again?  What do you do?

I find drawing and painting helps me. It can be anything from doodling, to playing with colours, to sketching things around me.  When things are pulling me in too many directions, or overwhelming me, I find this gives me space to re-orient myself. Then I am more able to fully engage.

writing a poem for fun

mouse by lynn

Thank you for my limits–

They are gifts.

I do not have unlimited energy or choices

And so much is unknown.

All will work for good.

I can be at peace.


Welcome peace.

Be glad for imperfections and limits.

They are good–

Truly gifts!

The future is unknown,

Not determined or fully controlled by my choices.


Don’t fear choices.

Rest in peace.

Step into the unknown,

Warmly accepting my limits.

Receive them as gifts.

The limitations are good.


I want all to end well and be good.

As I invite grace into my choices,

I expect the future to hold many gifts

And peace.

Today I will embrace my limits

And see adventure in the unknown.


Do not fear the unknown.

Expect good.

Welcome my limits.

Dive enthusiastically into my choices.

There is reason to feel peace.

Thank you for all my gifts.


Look for gifts

in the unknown.

Know peace.

The future will be good.

Have confidence in my choices.

Be friendly with my limits.


Expect surprising and good gifts,

As I make choices when so much is unknown.

Acknowledging my limits can give me peace.


In my last post I mentioned how I was writing sestinas for exploration, playing with words during my morning contemplative time.  The above is one of mine from a couple of days ago.  You can see the structure of repeating over and over the end words, in a set order, and then in the final triplet using all 6 words.  I picked words that I wanted to grapple with, enabling them to sink ideas into me in a mantra-like way., pushing the words to their limits.  I am not a poet, and usually I do not share any poetry I write, but I am doing this to encourage you to dabble too, and see where it leads you.

I suggest that you pick 6 words and try this yourself. They can be very concrete ones or more conceptual, or more feeling words. The structure for the end word repetition is 123456, then 615243, then 364125 then 532614, then 451362, then 246531 – I hope I copied this correctly! – you will detect the pattern as you go.  And then a final three lines using all 6 words, two in each line: 1-4, 2-5, 3-6, or just put them all in there somehow in 3 lines. It may take a few tries to get into the swing of it, but taking a playful approach can make it fun.  And here is an online form that I shared with my students who did sestinas, that can help if all of that seems too much trouble:

You may be surprised what has emerged as you read it after you have finished.