Study Guide for Groups Using Spiritual Connection in Daily Life

This is a 6-week model, with each session being 1-2 hours One individual should take the lead for each session, and take responsibility to move the others through the spectrum of topics in the time available. (If it fits with the tone of your group, beginning with relaxation and silence, and ending with silence will […]

Check-List and Open-ended Versions of the 16 Questions

Some people find that giving themselves number answers on the questions just gets in the way. If you are one of those people, remember that you can go through the book without even bothering with the numbers. You can use the items as prompts to explore the questions in an open-ended way. The book is […]

Some Poetry Collections

There is a lot of poetry available on the web, but having the hard copies of the poems in book form can be good as it can separate you some from the attentional tugging of the interweb. Here are some collections you may wish to explore. The Redress of Poetry, by Seamus Heaney A Book […]

Books for further reading

Here are a sampling of non-fiction books I have on my shelves that are relevant to the book, and might be useful for further reading and resources for exploration. Lost in Wonder by Esther de Waal I and Thou Martin Buber Hidden Beauty: Microworlds Revealed by France Bourely, Laurel Hirsch French Cooking in Ten Minutes: […]

Web Links from the Book

There are lots of references in the book to websites: music, poetry, articles and essays, art work. This page gives you those links live, so you can click on them and get to the referenced site. Page 10   Title: Had I Not Been Awake  Author: Seamus Heaney Page 33   Title: Hubble Photographs  Author: Page 34   Title: Postscript  Author: […]

Audio of Lynn reading from the Flow of Love chapter

Here is Lynn reading part one of the Flow of Love theme chapter from the audiobook of Spiritual Connection in Daily Life. The audiobook, published in has been substantially revised and enhanced from the 2013 print edition.